Success rates

Our success ratesThe HFEA logo and link to HFEA website and success rates

Every fertility centre in the UK has to report their success rates to the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) which inspects and licenses all fertility centres.

Our fertility achievements speak for themselves and can be viewed on the HFEA website here:  Clinic profile for Shropshire and Mid Wales Fertility Centre | HFEA

We also publish a breakdown of our success rates split according to treatment type and the age group of the patient.  You can view these below:

Clinical Pregnancy Rates  January to December 2022

Live Birth Rates January to December 2022


Understanding these statistics

It is not meaningful to directly compare clinic rates or create ‘league tables’ of clinics’ performance because:

  •  Clinics treat patients with different diagnoses and this will affect their reported success.
  •  Most clinics carry out too few cycles each year to reliably predict a patient’s future chance of success in each age  group.
  • The reported rates relate to a period of treatment from about 2 years ago and may not be a good indication of a particular clinic’s current performance.

For more information on things to consider when comparing clinics please read the HFEA’s advice which is available here: Choose a Fertility Clinic | HFEA 


What is the HFEA?

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is the UK’s independent regulator overseeing the use of gametes and embryos in fertility treatment and research.

The HFEA licenses fertility clinics and centres carrying out in vitro fertilisation (IVF), other assisted conception procedures and human embryo research.


How does the HFEA arrive at success rates

The HFEA presents the performance figures for every licensed clinic. Success rates show the number of treatments carried out by the clinic in a particular year and the number of resulting pregnancies and live births.

The data published should only be used as a general guide to a clinic’s performance. The majority of clinics’ success rates are around the national average.