Information for current patients

Medication Videos

IMPORTANT CHANGES TO INFORMATION ON THE VIDEOS – Since the videos were recorded the drug Menopur® has been replaced with Meriofert®. Please follow the instructions given to you by the nurse you saw in clinic and refer to the “Meriofert ® self injection” video rather than the ones about Menopur ® as they are prepared differently. The drug Gonopeptyl® is sometimes replaced with Prostap®, it is used in the same way.

For further information on Meriofert and how to use it please click the link below:

Meriofert Self-Injection Video

Preparing a Cetrorelix Injection

Zivafert Self-Injection Video

Preparing a Gonasi injection

How to prepare and inject Buserelin

Lubion Self-Injection Video

Booking ultrasound scans

Follicle tracking scans

Patients who are prescribed Clomid/Tamoxifen/Letrozole by the doctors in clinic will be asked to ring the Unit at the start of their period and book for follicle tracking scans. These are normally performed around about day 10-12 of their cycle and depending on what we see on that scan, we would then scan them again once or twice the following week.

To book a scan telephone the Fertility nursing team on: 01743 261202.

Ultrasound Scans for IUI, IVF or ICSI

Ultrasound scans for patients going for treatment such as IUI, IVF or ICSI are booked by the doctors when the schedule is first agreed when they are at the clinic. For private patients, once the schedule has been decided by the Consultants, a letter is sent confirming the dates, and the patients are asked to ring to book a time for the baseline scan. Once the baseline scan has been carried out, other scans are booked as needed by the staff.

Injection techniques

Patients who are undergoing ovulation induction have to self-inject in the evenings. They are told what dosage to inject by the nurses and have access to a website that explains how to self-inject. Any queries can be answered by the nurses on the day of their baseline scan or by telephone during working hours.

To contact the nursing team on injection techniques telephone: 01743 261202.

Pregnancy testing

Patients who miss a period at any stage and think that they might be pregnant, are encouraged to do a urinary pregnancy test at home, and inform us if they are pregnant. This is also the same for patients undergoing Clomid or Tamoxifen treatment.

Patients coming through an assisted conception treatment cycle (IUI, IVF or ICSI), perform a pregnancy test 2 weeks after their embryo transfer using a urinary testing kit in their own home. Patients then phone the fertility centre on 01743 261202 with the results and are given further advice by the nursing staff at this stage.

Pregnancy scans

Patients who are pregnant naturally or on Clomid/Tamoxifen/Letrozole can go to their GP who will book them a scan as required under normal antenatal care.

Any patients who are pregnant through treatment, such as IUI, IVF or ICSI will be booked a pregnancy scan 3-4 weeks after a positive pregnancy test. This is carried out at the Unit with the relevant advice given afterwards. Fertility patients will also be booked in to see one of the Centres Consultant Gynaecologists in their antenatal clinics.

Antenatal care

Once a patient is pregnant her antenatal care should be led by her GP. Any patients who are pregnant through treatment (IUI, IVF or ICSI) are also referred to see one of the Centre’s Consultant Gynaecologists in their antenatal clinic.