Self-Funded Fertility Health Check and Investigations

The Clinic offers two different options to people who want to have fertility investigations.

Fertility Health Check

The first option is the “Fertility Health Check”. This is a basic set of tests which are aimed a person or couple who just want a quick check of their fertility status. It is not suitable for those who are concerned that they are having difficulties trying to conceive. You will not have a medical history taken or have the opportunity to speak to a Doctor about the results as part of the package. Instead, they will be sent to you in a letter, with a brief explanation. You will have the opportunity to speak to a doctor afterwards at additional cost if you wish.

Further information about the Fertility Health Check Packages can be found in this leaflet Fertility Health Check Patient Information

Pre-treatment Investigations

The second option is designed for anyone who is concerned that they are having difficulties conceiving or who want to have fertility treatment. This can be new or returning patients. You will have an appointment with a nurse to discuss your medical history, receive advice and arrange any investigations deemed necessary. You will only pay for the investigations you need, there is no package price as everyone’s circumstances are different. Following the investigations you will have an appointment with a fertility doctor to discuss the results and plan any treatment that is necessary and wanted.

Further information on the cost of these appointments and investigations can be found in this leaflet: Fertility Pre-Treatment Investigations

Please be aware that if you are a returning patient and it has been more than two years since your last treatment you may need to have your test results updated.  In this case you will be advised to register for pre-treatment investigations.

Patients who want to finance their treatment by partnering with Access Fertility would need to go for the second option.

If you would like to speak to someone for more information about your options please call the clinic on 01743 261202 and chose the option to leave a message for the Self-Funded Co-Ordinator.